Tag Archives: Sustainability

The Fun Guy: EarthRising Mushroom Farm in Lawson

earthrising mushrooms lawson

Mushrooms are a hot topic at the moment with more and more research illuminating the essential role these organisms play in the health of the planet as well as the significant health and medicinal benefits they hold for humans. Belle Butler visited local mushroom grower, Alex Felix, at his farm in Lawson to talk about the mighty mushroom.

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Kris Newton & Resilient Villages: Preparing to Reduce the Risk of Disaster

Kris Newton of Resilient Villages

As we face predictions of increasing natural disasters due to climate change, past events show that community-led recovery and preparedness is key to building resilience. Belle Butler talked with Kris Newton of Mountains Community Resource Network about how she prepares to reduce her own risk of disaster, and about MCRN's pilot project Resilient Villages, which aims to equip communities with the skills and tools they need to take control of their own destiny.

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Mid Mountains Community Garden

mid mountains community garden

Growing fruit and vegetables is immensely gratifying, but doing it consistently well is hard: and that’s where Community Gardens are an invaluable resource. Visit Mid Mountains Community Garden with Belle Butler to dig deeper.

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Keeping It Cool With a Green Roof

green roof on blue mountains house

A green roof, with soil and a vegetation layer, reduces energy use, boosts biodiversity and reduces bushfire risk. Read about a home in Linden where the owners have enjoyed the benefits of their green roof for over 30 years.

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